sysid blog

Maximal Overlap of Rectangles

Find the maximal overlap of rectangles so, that every selected rectangle covers the full width of the overlap area.

A selected rectangle can be larger than the overlap area, but not smaller.

Problem Parameters:



$$ i \in [1..N],\ \text{ index: N rectangles }\\ s_i \in R^+,\ \text{ start of rectangle \(i\) }\\ e_i \in R^+,\ \text{ end of rectangle \(i\) }\\ h_i \in R^+,\ \text{ height of rectangle \(i\) }\\ M \in R^+,\ \text{ Big-M constant, upper limit for x }\\ $$


$$ \delta_{i} = \begin{cases} 1, \ \text{ rectangle \(i\) is selected for the overlap }\\ 0, \ \text{ else }\\ \end{cases}\\ x_s: \text{ start point of overlap area on x-axis }\\ x_e: \text{ end point of overlap area on x-axis }\\ x: \text{ width of the overlap area }\\ $$


$$ x = x_e - x_s\\ x_s \ge \delta_i s_i - (1-\delta_i)M, \forall i\\ x_e \le \delta_i e_i + (1-\delta_i)M , \forall i\\ x_s, x_e, x \in R^+\\ $$


The sum of the area of selected rectangles within the overlap boundaries should be maximized: $$ \max \sum_i \delta_i h_i x\\ $$

This objective is quadratic and needs to be linearized:

Linearize Objective

$$ y_i = \delta_i x\\ max \sum_i h_i y_i\\ $$

This implies additional constraints: $$ y_i \le M \delta_i\\ y_i \le x\\ y_i \ge x-M(1-\delta_i)\\ y_i \ge 0\\ $$


The model is very simple to implement with Pyomo:

model.I = RangeSet(len(config.get('blocks')))

# Params put at model

model.block = Param(model.I, domain=Any, initialize=dict(zip(model.I, config.get('blocks'))))
model.start = Param(model.I, domain=Reals, initialize=dict(zip(model.I, (x[0] for x in config.get('blocks')))))
model.end = Param(model.I, domain=Reals, initialize=dict(zip(model.I, (x[1] for x in config.get('blocks')))))
model.height = Param(model.I, domain=Reals, initialize=dict(zip(model.I, (x[2] for x in config.get('blocks')))))

# Var
################################################################################ = Var(model.I, domain=Binary, initialize=False)
model.xs = Var(domain=NonNegativeReals, initialize=0)
model.xe = Var(domain=NonNegativeReals, initialize=0)
model.x = Var(domain=NonNegativeReals, initialize=0)

model.y = Var(model.I, domain=NonNegativeReals, initialize=0)

# Constraints

model.x_order_c = Constraint(
    rule=lambda model: model.xs <= model.xe

model.x_c = Constraint(rule=lambda model: model.xe - model.xs == model.x)

M = 100
model.y_bound1_c = Constraint(
    model.I, rule=lambda model, i: model.y[i] <= M *[i]
model.y_bound2_c = Constraint(
    model.I, rule=lambda model, i: model.y[i] <= model.x
model.y_bound3_c = Constraint(
    model.I, rule=lambda model, i: model.y[i] >= model.x - M * (1 -[i])

model.xs_c = Constraint(
    model.I, rule=lambda model, i: model.xs >=[i] * model.start[i]
model.xe_c = Constraint(
    model.I, rule=lambda model, i: model.xe <=[i] * model.end[i] + (1 -[i]) * M

# Objective
def obj_profit(model):
    return sum(model.y[i] * model.height[i] for i in model.I)

model.objective = Objective(rule=obj_profit, sense=maximize)


Example 1


example1 = {
    'blocks': [
        (1, 2, 3),
        (3, 5, 3),
        (4, 10, 2),
        (4, 7, 4),
        (5, 6, 1),

The black rectangle is the area of maximal overlap. The two filled rectangles are selected as constributors to the overlap:

Example 2


example2 = {
    'blocks': [
        (1, 2, 3),
        (3, 5, 3),
        (4, 8, 2),
        (4, 7, 4),
        (5, 6, 1),
        (5, 7, 3),
        (8, 13, 3),
        (8, 13, 4),
        (8, 13, 5),

The solver CBC does not have a problem and solves the model in a split second.

#python #optimization #pyomo